High-Performance Management - COURSE

Welcome to the High-Performance Management Course

This is the first of three courses that takes you all the way from management to leadership through to building high-performance teams. The approach these courses take is to change your behaviours, not your mindset. It is easier to 'act your way into new thinking' than to 'think your way into new actions'.

Today's management practices are comprised of traditional and modern management behaviours and are in use today by over 90% of the world’s organizations. Learning to be a good manager takes time and is a constant learning process. Becoming a manager is difficult, albeit rewarding; it is a continuous learning and self-development journey. Some people fail, which is not surprising given the difficulty of the transition, others become disorientated and some confused. The training provided here is aimed at avoiding these pitfalls and making you successful.

What does the course cover:

1 - First Management Position

2 – Planning and Time Management

3 – Communication

4 - Team Meetings

5 - Performance Goals

6 - Delegation

7 - Motivation

8 - Managing Discipline

9 - Managing team members out

Most people facing their first management position feel terrified. While moving into a management position is a huge accomplishment, it's also the beginning of a huge challenge. One of the first things you will learn is that the position is more stressful than you anticipated. The skills and methods you used as a worker, and a team member are completely different meaning that you will discover there is a large gap between your current capabilities and the requirements of the new position.

In your previous jobs, success depended primarily on your job knowledge, skills, and actions. As a manager, you are responsible for managing a whole team of people and for creating a team plan, something for which your career as a worker almost certainly hasn't prepared you.

As you work your way through this training, a new mindset and a new identity will emerge. You will take on board new ways of thinking and working and discover new ways of measuring success and how to derive increased enjoyment from your work. One of your immediate concerns is to ensure that things are running smoothly which is a challenging task, requiring you to keep many different balls in the air. Indeed, the complexity of maintaining the status quo will initially take most of your energy, for this reason, the training starts from your first day as a new manager and continues from there.

I hope you enjoy the course; a lot of experience and practical knowledge has gone into it to help you be successful and enjoy your work.