Failure is brilliant, it's how we get better

When you have a failure or a setback.

The very first thing to do is to say to yourself - ”Thank God for that, I could have made a mistake.”

Failure is not about what we did wrong, but what we need to do right.

Failure and setbacks are great because they tell you, usually quite clearly, that something has gone wrong. The process of failure eventually identifies what it was that was detrimental to success. In other words, you can start to rule out certain things in favour of better things. The more you fail, the better you get.

1.   Don't Fear Failure – embrace it as feedback.

  • The fear of failure can be a major roadblock. Instead of letting it bring you down, think of failure as a blessing as you get the feedback you need to improve. If you can embrace failures as a run of the mill experience, your expectations are tempered, and the failure provides an insight into your comfort zones. Failures teach us not what we did wrong, but what we must do right.

2.   Use Feedback to your advantage to single out what went wrong

  • Remember that everybody is entitled to their opinion, even if it's not in your favour. The important thing to do is ask “Umm. why did they see it that way?”

3.   Accept what you can't control – be honest about what you can influence.

  • Appreciate that sometimes there are things you cannot change. The benefit is that you get to know the boundaries you are best within and those you are not.

4.   Stop comparing your work to the work of others.

  • Your work is unique, just the way you want it to be.

  • Look at the work of others from a different point of view – use it to spark new ideas, things perhaps that nobody has done. There is no room for growth when you are worrying about comparing yourself to others.