FREE eBook - How to Lead as a Manager

Being seen as a manager is one thing but being seen as a leader is something altogether different. Or is it? The fact is that managers do act as leaders and leaders do act as managers. These two roles are interchangeable depending on the need at the time, with the actions of each overlapping.

Leadership and Management are similarly defined as transposable concepts that are not just integral; they are the same and inseparable. Together, leading (visionary) and managing (activity-orientation) form a high-performance framework necessary for leading and building high-performance teams.

Really the key difference is that leaders are more people focused and managers are more action focused. Therefore, to be a great manager who is also a great leader means adopting more people-oriented actions as part of your Management Style.

To lead as a manager is simply a matter of:

1.     Adopting a Leadership Style and actions in your day-to-day work.

2.     Providing more Autonomy and Empowerment to your team members.

3.     Engaging with your team members.

4.     Introducing Psychological Safety to your team.

5.     Holding Team Meetings that people want to attend.

6.     Carrying out a Team Member Evaluation to better understand and manage your team as individuals.

This eBook covers each of these areas to move you more towards leadership whilst still acting as a manager.