Team Development - Why Bother?

Here are the reasons, the characteristics, the what and the why that change an ordinary or underperforming team into a Great Team.

  1. Team members are a tight-knit cohesive unit because they believe in and share a common goal.

  2. Team members understand their individual contributions because their performance goals are aligned with the common goal.

  3. Team members selflessly support and motivate each other because they know that at some time, they all need help, and this is how the whole team wins.

  4. Team members are mutually accountable to each other because they have agreed to share each other’s failures and successes.

  5. Team members have significantly higher job satisfaction levels because they achieve more than ordinary teams and because they get great enjoyment from knowing they are different.

  6. Team members do not have confused accountabilities, position description conflicts or overlaps because they have a clear definition of who owns what, who decides what and who is both responsible and accountable for what.

  7. Team members handle significantly less email traffic because their roles and responsibilities definitions mean all information is shared on a need to know basis only.

  8. Team members are motivated to do their best because they individually establish a set of measurable, personal and professional goals.

  9. Team members evaluate themselves and their staff because it provides new insights into individual management needs, strengths, weaknesses and mutual opportunities for growth.

  10. Team members assess where they are on the Team Maturity Scale because it reveals the gap to either reach higher levels of maturity.

  11. Team members analyse their current management style because it allows them to create new management styles that focus on professionalism, management and people leadership qualities.

  12. Team members create a personal definition of professionalism for themselves because this then establishes and baselines their professional standing.

  13. Team members have a specific way of conducting meetings because it keeps them focussed on what really matters, enhances their management effectiveness and creates meetings that have real value.

  14. Team members accept being mentored and mentoring of others because it builds relationships, improves the management of others, and creates the first stage of open and honest communication and because it helps to develop themselves and their staff to their fullest potential.

  15. Team members define individual roles and responsibilities because knowing how they support the team, and how they contribute to the success and results of the team produces greater job satisfaction and commitment, less work and fewer mistakes.

  16. Team members provide motivation and support because it makes them feel closer to those whom they are helping, it builds trust and inspires others to achieve higher levels of performance.

How to Build a Great Team

This course will quickly train you to become a better manager and how to build a Great Team.

The best approach to using this course is to do train yourself which takes on average two to four weeks. Then at your own pace, put into practice what you have learnt rolling out the course content to your team. The rollout should ideally be done over one to two months. The rollout is perfectly suited for virtual, working from home teams.

The How to Build a Great Team is high on the Team Maturity Scale and is designed for managers who just want to improve their team’s performance.

The top of the Scale is High-Performance.

The How to rapidly become a High-Performance Team Leader and Builder course takes you to this level, but you need to have achieved Great Team status first.

What skills and knowledge does the team learn?

Management skills

  • Establishing personal and professional goals

  • How to develop a new management style

  • How to become a professional in your chosen field

  • How to motivate your team members

  • How to have great meetings

  • How to mentor

Team-building skills

  • How to evaluate and manage your team members

  • Understand what kind of team you have now

  • How to manage change

  • How to create a common goal and team member performance goals

  • How to define team member roles and responsibilities

  • Understand the need for mutual accountability and selfless collaboration

  • How to practice ten Interpersonal skills

  • How to establish team rules

What types of problems does the course solve?

  • Developing managerial effectiveness

  • Team member engagement

  • Determining your management approach

  • How to leverage team norms to drive performance

  • How to let someone go

  • How to empower your team members

  • Communicating objectives to your team

  • Being respected and being liked

  • Lack of preparation to successfully lead 

  • Master team conflict

  • Managing difficult People 

  • And many more

What else is in it for everyone?

  • Expanded career opportunities, camaraderie and be the best in your chosen field

  • Professional development and acquisition of new management skills

  • Over time become increasingly better at whatever is being done, and the ability to overachieve in comparison to others

  • Work with loyal, supportive and trustworthy people 

  • A lifelong experience

  • Increase your personal value and skillset

  • Expanded opportunities for promotion and increased remuneration

  • Ability to work smarter not harder

  • Have a better work/life balance

  • Move from having a job to having a career

  • Be more confident about managing your team

  • Be more successful and stand out from your peers

Preview the course for free

Enrol for free, no Cr-Cards required, to view the free preview lessons including a detailed course overview. If you purchase the course, you have access to the course material for life.

By the end of the course, you will have learned how to transform your management style, change the way you relate to and manage your team, and understand how to solve 25 of the most common problems managers face every day.

The course approach uses practical exercises (because adults learn by doing, not just by watching videos). You record your course progress using structured lesson worksheets and a Course Workbook containing exercises, evaluations and tables plus other resources. The Workbook becomes a complete reference guide for all of your decisions and conclusions made during the course. It acts as a ready reckoner of solutions, options and approaches to problems and issues that you will face later on. Great TED Talk videos are also included to show different team-building perspectives.

The ‘How to Build a Great Team’ course is not only great value; it is a thorough management guide. I have worked with a great number of managers, people and teams across a wide variety of organizations. The most important and beneficial things I have learned from reorganizing, rescuing and building teams are included in this course.

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