High-Performance IT - How to do ito

The Causes of most IT Troubles

Over time, simply by opening the front doors and turning the lights on each day, all the IT Departments that I worked in suffered from a form of ‘IT entropy’ - a progressive decline in their overall effectiveness resulting in usually persistent and undesirable outcomes or IT pains. The causes of this IT entropy are.

1.     IT management team stress and dysfunctions.

2.     The rapid pace of business change.

3.     The rate of introduction of new technologies.

4.     Failure to maintain systems housekeeping.

5.     Complex applications development environments.

6.     Increased frequency of releases.

7.     Legacy systems management.

8.     Poor workload management processes.

9.     Lack of due process and multiple sources of internal truth.

IT Pains and Gains

The IT Entropy causes listed above generate three IT pain points. High-Performance IT Health Checks looks at each of these IT pain points and puts in place processes to convert them into IT gains.